Running towards, Running away.

One time I remember, you forgot to send me my lunch.
In truth, this has happened many times.
Then the school hours ended.
You came to pick me up.
You had messy hair and a guilty expression on your face.
I saw you, you smiled.
I ran towards you.
You hugged me and passed me a bag containing my favourite chocolates and a cake.
Why were you late that day?.
That must be the first time I didn’t throw a tantrum about not getting my things at the right time.
I still remember your guilty smile.
If you were to look at me with that same expression again, it might be easy for me to forgive you .
Maybe I can forgive you if you are really guilty this time too.
How should I forgive you?.
How can I forgive you?.
Can I really forgive you?..

Maybe I can forgive you if I see that same smile again.
You don’t smile like that anymore, you frown when you see me.
Sometimes with anger, sometimes with hate.
You frown alot, me too.
Sometimes with distress, sometimes with sadness.
I want to run towards you again.
I wanna go home.
Maybe I’ll see you again.
Your hair a mess and a guilty smile on your face. I’ll run to you anyway.
And maybe, just maybe, I can run to you again.

We both frown alot these days.

Then I looked up and my friend said, ‘don’t frown, wrinkles aajaenge’

March, 24.


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